Temperature 4

We returned to the Heydays Laneway on the 19th of April, and presented another offering of audio & visual from 7PM till late. This was our most successful event to date, with 130 patrons attending.

Unfortunately, the camera that we were using died, and only one image was taken on the night (see below).

Temperature 3

Our first event since leaving the Diffraction Studio, this iteration of temperature leaned into more of a club focus sonic offering, featuring 4 DJs and a venue capacity of 110.


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Temperature 2

This event took place in the old Diffraction Studio, and served as a fundraiser for Townsville Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN). TSPN plays a key role in coordination, collaboration and resource exchange within the Townsville area to build our community’s capacity as a foundation for the development of effective suicide prevention initiatives. Over $400 was donated to the organisation from this event.

Thanks to Diffraction Collective, Polyharmony, Isadore, Yage & Imitation Therapy for their involvement in this event.